Cellular: Ndakaedza zvese…

FlyerMaker_18102018_233708Part 1
Ndakaona kuti nyaya yecellular yakange yondibira mufaro, uye younza mutauro mumba mangu. Wakaipa akange akambaira achinanaira achipinda mumba mangu kudarikidza nemacellular.
Patakaroorana taishandisa foni yemumba, yaingonzi landline, ende yakange isina mutauro.
Zvino shewe ndivo vakatanga kutenga cellullar yavo. Yakanga yakavakwa nenyanzvi, ndinodaro nekuda kwemari yakabuditswa muhomwe kuitenga.
Ndaiti kana ndikaikumbira, shewe vaitanga vabaya baya vozondipa. Murume mukuru aimira pamusoro pangu achindifemera pahuro kusvika ndapedza zvandinenge ndaibwerekera.
Takapedza makore anoita kana maviri tichiita hwakiti nagonzo.
Zvisineyi rimwe gore pakupembera zuva rekuberekwa kwangu ndakatengerwa cellular yangu. Chakanga chiri chitinha chefoni asi ndakafara nekuti yakange iri yangu.
Shewe ndivo vaiona kuti ine moto here uye kuti ine mari here.
Ini ndakange ndisina basa nayo, ndaingozoifunga kana paine chandaida kuishandisa.
Ndakange ndiri mudzimayi aiwana mufaro nekutsvaira, kubika nekuwachira mhuri yangu.
Pandakaroorwa ndakange ndazvipira kuchembedzana nemudiwa wangu.
Hapana kana zuva randakambofunga kubuda mumba mangu. Ndakakura ndichiona vabereki vangu vachichengetana uye vaine rudo rwaiyemurwa nevakawanda.
Handina kufunga kuti murume wangu angaite meso meso nekuti ndaivimba naye, uye aive murume wechitendero.
Cellular yashewe yaigara pamuviri pavo, iri muhomwe, pamwe waivaona nepawindow vari pachivanze vachibaya baya mairi, pamwevachitaura mairi varimugarden. Kana kurikuzevezera handichatauri. Nguva yazofamba vakange vopota vachipinda muchimbuzi nayo nekunogeza nayo.
Ndakaona kuti pakange patoita dambudziko mumba.
Ndakada kuti nditi cellular, zvikanzi, “wavekuda kundijairira!”
Shewe vakasanduka vakave chikara chinon’ara. Ndakangoti kaha nazvo. Shamwari yangu yakange yononoka kuuya kumba mushure mekupedza basa, vakange vofamba zvekutsvedza sesipo yeGeisha.
Ndakadzikisa pfungwa ndikawona kuti paive potoda kuti ndirove nyoka musoro isati yaberekera mumba mangu.

Cellular: Ndakaedza zveseā€¦


Part 4

Masoko vatete hanzvadzi yemurume wangu akanga acheka cheka moyo wangu.
Zvisineyi, semunhu anenzeve dzekunzwa, ndakabata hangu yambiro yavo.

Chinhanho chekutanga, ndakatanga nekutumira text kuna amwene, madzitete uye nemurume wangu.

Ndaida chose kuvaka imba yangu. Chakanetsa hapana kana umwe wavo akambopindura matext angu. Izvi hazvina kundipedza simba asizvakafutidza moto mandiri kuti ndishingaire kuita zvakanaka.

Mumwe musi zuva rakacheka nyika, ndakasimudza runhare kwakuchaira vamaDube vanova ivo amwene vangu. VamaDube vane zvitoro uye zvikoro zvekuruka majuzi nekusona mbatya.
Kutaura idi kune madzimayi masho6ma aikwikwidzana neni pakupfeka, nekuti amwene vangu vaindishongedza nenhumbi dzemuzvitoro zvavo.

VamaDube: Hello
Ini: Masikati amai
VamaDube: Kwakanaka here Melinda,
Ini: Ehe amai, ndatindikuswereseyi hangu.
VamaDube: Aaaar! Melinda mwanangu, isu tiri pabasa, hatinanguva yekutamba pafoni. Chinonetsa iwe hako, haunakuda zvekusevenza saka une nguva yekutambisa.
Ini: Amai…
VamaDube: okay Meli, wozofona Ben adzoka kubasa, then tozotaura, chirega kutambisa nguva, handitika, I am very busy today.

VamaDube vakabva vakata foni, ndakasara ndangoti kaha nazvo. Ndakasahaya mushumo wazvo, ndikafona ndaiudzwa hurovhahwangu, ndikasafona kekare ndainzi ndinodada.
Anyways ndakatanga hangu kufaila nekupenda penda nzwara dzangu.

Chakanetsa, I was nowhere near resolving nyaya yefoni yemurume wangu Ben.

Cellular: Ndakaedza zvese…

Part 3

Pakufamba kwemazuva takatanga kutaudzana kekare. Ndaiwona kuti mumwe wangu aiita seanofamba akatakura mazai kana achikurukura neni. Aisaziva kuti ndaifungei nekuti handina kunge tazombotaura nezvazvo kekare kubva musi watakange tasimudzirana mazwi ndikazoguma ndarara muspare bedroom.

Foni yake yakange yogara iri pasilent uye akange asisaibuditsi kana ari pamba. Ndakazvipira kuti nyaya yacho hayaizorova zvayo.

Mumwe musi arikubasa ndakafonera tete, hanzvadzi yake, vanova ivo first born yemumba mavo. Tete ava mureturn soldier, vakange varongedza twavo kwakudzoka. Murume wavo airura mumarokwe, mukuwasha vaizivikanwa nenhau yekurwerwa rute pamadzimayi.
Tete vakangoti, “I aint seen enough, kwakudzoka.”

Tete ndaivaremekedza uye ndaifunga kuti vagoina kuzondinzwisisa. Pandakati nditi, “Ben” oro “foni yake,” tete vakati pwati kuseka ndokuti,
“Melinda makoti, unoda kukura, hindava kutsvaga maproblems pasina. You should be grateful, Ben is an angel, mutumwa chaiye.”

Ndakada kuti nditi, “aiwa tete ndanga ndichida kuti tiwonesane,” ndipo vakati, “Ndirikutokuonesa makoti. Ben anokuda ende anokuitira zvese. Vakadzi vangani vasingashandi vachingomirira kuti murume aite zvese sezvaunoitaiwe? heee? ndiudzewo makoti. Pamwe akabva kubasa anosvikomira pamoto kubika iwe waswera hako pamba. Aiwa makoti, be grateful!”
Tete havana kana kundipa nguva, vakashandisa mukana uyu kundiudza zvese zvavaifunga kuti ndinokanganisa.
“Melinda, Ben akakutengera foni, unotombo mufonerawo here kana kumutextira, anosiya ajusa foni yako pedzezvo oisa moto iwe uchingo yemedzeka. Iwe haufoneri munhu, chero amwene vako hauvafoneri, idambudzikoka raita kuti unditsvage? Hee? Unotsvaga munhu here iwe Meli? Ita mushe, handiti! Isu hatisi vanhu vanotaura taura but tinyarewo.”

Ndakashamiswa nemasoko atete vangu. Ndakaita kunge munhu arohwa mbama kumeso, ndikazvishayira pazvo.
Ndakatenda vatete vangu, hanzvadzi yemurume wangu, ndikabva pafoni ndatonhorerwa.

Ndakadzikisa funga nekuda kwemashoko vatete. Mai taitaura navo every other day, only kuti Ben ndiye aifona ini ndozopedzisa hangu kutaura navo. Taikurukura kana maminutes gumi tese zvekuti handina kuziva kuti vaive nedambudziko nazvo.
Ndakatura mafemo ndikasimudzira hurongwa hwangu hwezuva iri. Asi kutaura chokwadi tete vakange vandipedza mate mukanwa.

I was nowhere closer to solving dambudziko rangu recellular yashewe…

To be continuedIMG_5492

Cellular: Ndakaedza zvese

Part 2

Musi uyu ndakakwesha nemadziro, ndaive mushishi kugadzirira kutaurirana nemumwe wangu. Ndakatondera masoko atete vangu musi wavakandipereka, “Melinda murume anoda kuremekedzwa nguva dzese, uye ziva murume wako, wotangira ipapo.

Masoko aShewe ekuti ndakange ndoda kuvajairira akange andibata pakadzika pemoyo wangu. “What would tete say vakanzwa masoko aya?” Ndakadzamisa pfungwa, ndichiita yavanoti iyo spring clean mumba mangu.
Musi uyu ndakakaringa ndika gadzirira kuuya kumba kweumwe wangu.

Zvisineyi shewe vakakurumidza kuuya kumba. Murume mukuru akandisimudza akandikanda mudenga. Shasha yakati, “nhasi wanditeya Melinda.” Kutaura idi ndakange ndatamba nemvura musi uyu. Kumeso ndakaswera ndakapushira avocado, then egg yolk….aaar ndakapetura musoro ndikazozora podi. Miromo yainyiminya vaselina.

Takazovidza hedu zuva tichigegedza hedu.
Akadya zvekutsvaira ndiro, kwakuti, ” pasi rino handifungi kuti kune mukadzi anobika sewe…unokunda vese…!”

Musi uyu ndakaridzirwa “Candy girl” takatamba tichigegedza nekupfipfinika…waingove mufaro. Kana ari matsvodi, ndakafunga kuti dai ndaive ice-cream ndingadai ndakapera musi uyu.

Foni yake yakati dududu, tiripakati pekukurukura hedu. Ndakati nechemumoyo, “Mwari maita henyu.” Shewe vakabva vadzima foni yavo nekukurumidza. Maitiro avo akandisvika mumoyo mangu.

Vakada kuti tikurukure, ndakatadza kupindura. Zvakaramba kuti ndirambe ndichisekedzana navo, paine nyaya yefoni yakange ichidya moyo wangu.

Shewe: Ko hindava? Why uchiita switch mamoods so? Kunge tv inoitwa change mastations neremote control here?
Ini : Aiwa Bernard, usadaro, its not fair,
How do you expect me kuti titambe tese iwe une mafrienz outside?
Shewe: Come on Melinda usaite spoil our day by being childish
Ini: saka is that being an adult uchiviga foni yako here, heya that is what adults do.
Shewe: Melinda I see kuti you do not respect me, if you respected me you would not think the worst of me.
Ini: Ben respect goes both ways, i also deseve respect irregardless.
Shewe: you know what itsIMG_5492 pointless talking to you, I am going out, I hope unenge waita calm down pandinodzoka.
Ben akabuda mumba ndikasara ndichifashaira nehasha. Ndakafunga kurongedza twangu asi ndakasimuka ndikasuka ndiro nfikanorara muspare bedroom.Hope dzakaramba kubata, Ben akadzoka kwapera 2hours. He knocked on my door but I ignored him.
Kutaura idi fonr yakange yave muedzo mumba mangu…anyhow Ben did not know me, he wad not going to get away with it….

Cellular: Ndakaedza zvese…

Part 1
Ndakaona kuti nyaya yecellular yakange yondibira mufaro, uye younza mutauro mumba mangu. Wakaipa akange akambaira achinanaira achipinda mumba mangu kudarikidza nemacellular.
Patakaroorana taishandisa foni yemumba, yaingonzi landline, ende yakange isina mutauro.
Zvino shewe ndivo vakatanga kutenga cellullar yavo. Yakanga yakavakwa nenyanzvi, ndinodaro nekuda kwemari yakabuditswa muhomwe kuitenga.
Ndaiti kana ndikaikumbira, shewe vaitanga vabaya baya vozondipa.

Murume mukuru aimira pamusoro pangu achindifemera pahuro kusvika ndapedza zvandinenge ndaibwerekera.
Takapedza makore anoita kana maviri tichiita hwakiti nagonzo.
Zvisineyi rimwe gore pakupembera zuva rekuberekwa kwangu ndakatengerwa cellular yangu. Chakanga chiri chitinha chefoni asi ndakafara nekuti yakange iri yangu.
Shewe ndivo vaiona kuti ine moto here uye kuti ine mari here.
Ini ndakange ndisina basa nayo, ndaingozoifunga kana paine chandaida kuishandisa.
Ndakange ndiri mudzimayi aiwana mufaro nekutsvaira, kubika nekuwachira mhuri yangu.
Pandakaroorwa ndakange ndazvipira kuchembedzana nemudiwa wangu.
Hapana kana zuva randakambofunga kubuda mumba mangu. Ndakakura ndichiona vabereki vangu vachichengetana uye vaine rudo rwaiyemurwa nevakawanda.
Handina kufunga kuti murume wangu angaite meso meso nekuti ndaivimba naye, uye aive murume wechitendero.
Cellular yashewe yaigara pamuviri pavo, iri muhomwe, pamwe waivaona nepawindow vari pachivanze vachibaya baya mairi, pamwevachitaura mairi varimugarden. Kana kurikuzevezera handichatauri. Nguva yazofamba vakange vopota vachipinda muchimbuzi nayo nekunogeza nayo.
Ndakaona kuti pakange patoita dambudziko mumba.
Ndakada kuti nditi cellular, zvikanzi, “wavekuda kundijairira!”
Shewe vakasanduka vakave chikara chinon’ara. Ndakangoti kaha nazvo. Shamwari yangu yakange yononoka kuuya kumba mushure mekupedza basa, vakange vofamba zvekutsvedza sesipo yeGeisha.
Ndakadzikisa pfungwa ndikawona kuti paive potoda kuti ndirove nyoka musoro isati yaberekera mumba mangu…

To be continued…IMG_5492

Hazvimanikidzwi: Lest we become like our oppressors


Hazvimanikidzwi, Lest we become like our oppressors


We have come down a long path. We still have a long way to go.
We are a people vanga vakajaira kumanikidzwa. Pataakuda kuti tipfakanyuke, we acting again just like our oppressors, who bullied us for decades. I do not blame us. This is all we know.

I believe this flag is about choice, freedom of speech and empowerment. Everyone has a choice and a voice. We have a right to use our voices in a manner that each and every one of us individually deems necessary, without suppressing the rights of others. We should all allow one another to exercise that choice.

Hazvimanikidzwi hamadzangu. Makore ekumanikidzirana akatopfuura.

Everyone has a right to stand for what they believe in and we must respect others if they do not see the world through our eyes.

In a democratic society individuals have their say through voting and petitions etc.

I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters to be open minded and tolerant with others and their beliefs. We simply have to respect each other’s differences.
For example Christians are guided by Mathew 6:6
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you”
If you are not fully informed you may interpret that Christians are silent, when in fact, are praying in the closet according to Mathew 6verse 6.

Praying for matters affecting their Nations is a lifestyle. They do not dance to the rising and lowering of emotions but pray regulary for such matters as guided byĀ 1 Timothy 2
1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.

However for those who pray secondary to situation or reacting to emotions, they feel as though others ought to follow this trend.”

Pastors, prophets and spiritual fathers do not take sides in any given situations. Isaiah 61 requires them to be counsellors, comforters and repairers, etc. Their role is to meet the needs of the church irregardless of their political views.

We can not force them to stand with a flag to show solidarity to any political party. Pastor Evan stood up and is standing up for his personal beliefs, which are not removed from that of many Zimbabweans.

It was his ability to articulate fully, clearly and truthfully that touched a cord in many of us. He never at once called anyone names or threatened anyone but called for peace and unity.

We can not stop buying from a shop and start victimising the shop owner simply because they share different political views from ours.

Musicians can choose to take a political standing, however, they have a right to be entertainers without being victimised for their political views.

In a democratic society if the vote is not in your favour, still you accept it and live peacefully with others. When we advocate for democracy let us study and embrace all of its aspects. There is need to seek clarity and knowledge. Ignorance is the blindness of the mind. Let us embrace change fully informed lest we too become bullies and take away the freedom of others.

Kujamuka kuramba hudzvinyiriri. Hatingaiti hudzvanyiriri isu trikuhuramba. The uprising is secondary to the need to be free. We can not force and supress others. Hazvimanikidzirwi.


Tsvangirayi Tribute

By Stephen Chimunye

Hamba kahle iqhawe lema qhawe!
A true son of the soil who will remain so in our history and our memories.

A giver of hope to the masses of Zimbabwe after many years of cruelty, suppression and extreme man made poverty
A true gallant who boldly stood up to tyranny
My hearty is swollen and words are now difficult to come by,
How much we value your selflessness Save,

Flesh they can kill but your resolve is untouchable and it is contagious.
And in sacrificial death, the resolve will exponentially resurrect!
And many young SAVEs will rise up!
With only but one purpose,
To liberate our beloved people and country.
And to give hope to the generations born condemned by man made abject poverty,
When they killed Jesus Christ they thought,
He was finished and dusted,
To their amazement, that was just the beginning of the pandemonium,
When they killed Martin Luther King Jr, they scoffed and loughed,
Not knowing that a new era was actually birthed in the history of America,
Today! We lay to rest our our true hero’s body,
But his vision and resolve, stubbornly stand up in every Zimbabwean’s soul and heart.
Though I am tens of thousands of kms from that village in Buhera, my heart and soul is right there at Save’s homestead.
Hamba kahle iqhawe lema qhawe,
the gallant true son of the soil,
Hamba kahle our beloved visionary,
Hamba kahle our selfless leader,
Hamba kahle Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.
Hamba kahle, but the struggle continues,
Hamba kahle,
Hamba kahle,
Hamba kahle

“The man who defied condition”

Defying odds indeed!

He was born dead, many years later he is travelling the world preaching the gospel of Jesus.

Dr Ezekiel Guti Junior’s birth story, Ā is recorded in the book, History of ZAOGA Forward in Faith : the book of remembrance, how it began and where it is going}.

At Birth he was declared dead and left in the room with his mother because the nurses were too busy to dispose of his corpse.

His parents used this opportunity to continue praying for a miracle.

The ZAOGA history book account, narrates that his mother, full of determination declared , “my son is not dead!”Ā 

His parents refused to accept the handwriting of this world. A death cerificate had been issued. They knew that Jesus blotted out the hanwriting of ordinaces that were contrary to the life of their only son according to scripture

ā€œhaving wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us…having nailed it to the cross…..He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.ā€ Colossiansā€¬ ā€­2:14-15ā€¬ ā€­

His believing parents refused to take in the report of medical professions… after all whose report could they believe, except of the one that sent them, separated and sanctified them for the unique ministry that has transformed lives around the globe.

Dr Ezekiel Junior is the son of the African Apostles, Drs E.H & Eunor Guti, the founding presidents of ZAOGA FORWARD IN FAITH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL.

His parents, did not stop at the miracle of their son’s birth alone but continue to travel the globe bringing good news to the world. The church of ZAOGA has spread to over 136 Nations and states.

Many years before this trying time his father had prayed for Africa in a cave, petitioning before God to bring miracles to his continent, which id faraway from the holy land Israel.

“The holy land were the tomb of our Lord Jesus lies empty.” Apostle Ezekiel Guti had aknowledged in his prayer

The tomb of Jesus is empty because of the miracle of resurrection. The Holy Land where talitha cumi and Lazarus were raised from the dead. Many years later that power manifested itself in a hospital Ā room where his son laid dead.

May years later that power continues to be revealed in that son, who is going round preaching the gospel, followed by signs and wonders.

This testimony, gives strength to a parent who has an ailing child, it tells them that God can and continues to perform resurrection miracles. This testimony tells us that God is a God of impossibilities.

Tete: The story of migration.

Tete” is a respected female family advisor, mediator and role model in the vaShona people family structure. Much responsibility is placed on her to take a leading role in shaping the moral fabric for her family She is expected to construct, influence and set the tone of her family atmosphere. The peace of her family is on her shoulders and so is the breakdown of relationships

Violet is a narrative of the life of a Zimbabwean born spinster who migrated to the UK for greener pastures. She brought her only brother to the UK who left a wife and young daughter back home. Her brother decides to co-habit and make home with Violet’s best friend. 
Violet meets a man who promises her marriage and undying love but impregnates and marries a work colleague. 
Tete is a story of love, betrayal, bitterness, and family squabbles. It is about relationships with inlaws and the intricases of the dynamics of the vaShona people. 

It is a tale of evolving cultural practises, morals and identity issues.

Could these be preserved..?

Book available on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1546892729/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_nQVkzbBMQ327P

Inbox Facebook Page… Mimiey Quenda

Happy Father’s day to my Dad…Ā 

My Dad is the the type of a father that makes a little girl proud to say…that is my dad. He is a very humble man but a high achiever. He rarely gives a lecture, but when he does, he speaks wisdom.

I remember once said to me… you have to understand the moment.. A diplomat who wore personally tailored suits with his initials embroidered… but he said….

I remember him visiting my school and many female teachers, pestering me about my dad… but he said to me….

I remember boarding aeroplanes way before my teens. I remember being in India, Germany, Moscow, London as a little girl, becoz of my high achieving dad… but he said to me… 

I remember once a plane was grounded for an hour, because I was “delayed”…more like, I was late just because of who my dad was…but he said to me…

Of late, when I speak to him, he says when I die, I want to leave to you an inheritance. I want to say to him, Dad you already gave me an inheritance… you said to me…

“My daughter, never be too proud to work hard… do not look down on any job. Just work hard and look after your family. He went on to tell me the kinds of jobs he had to do to work to fend for us. He said… never despise humble beginnings or where you came from…your past is the experience that you need in life…!

Those words have carried me through life. I have lived my life on those words… that is the greatest treasure, the greatest gift/inheritance that a father can give to yo his daughter….Life’s lessons.
Today I celebrate my dad, who taught me life’s lessons. Happy Father’s Dad.

Love you Dad